Canon rebel xs ds126191
Canon rebel xs ds126191

I didn't even realize the limitations of my old Rebel and kit lens for quite some time. Creating a captivating, persuasive, poignant, memorable or to put it more simply, "good," image is exponentially more difficult. Sharpness and resolution are easy to attain.just spend the money and learn how to use the gear.

canon rebel xs ds126191

Check out Amazon's customer images to see countless examples of photographers with $10,000 in gear and not a clue how to produce a photograph that is anything other than sharp. I see too many really shitty photographers worrying about petty issues like grain, sharpness and resolution. These things only serve to bog down the mind of the beginner.

canon rebel xs ds126191

Also no reason to mention graininess of the sensor.

canon rebel xs ds126191

I see no reason to tell a beginner photographer that the 18-55 is a bad lens.

Canon rebel xs ds126191